Should You Do A Full Mouth Replacement All At Once Or In Stages?

Posted on: 6 February 2023
Sometimes dentists recommend patients have all their teeth pulled because of widespread damage caused by disease or poor care. Luckily, dental technology has advanced enough that you can get a full set of replacement teeth with just a few office visits. The main question then becomes whether you should get all your teeth replaced at the same time or do the procedure in stages. Can You Afford the Time? Doing a full-mouth replacement typically means getting dentures and the best type to have installed are implant-supported ones.
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Should You Replace A Missing Tooth Or Not?

Posted on: 4 January 2023
An interesting fact about losing a permanent tooth is that you can learn to live with the gap. However, you should know that a missing tooth affects your oral and overall health in countless ways. For example, the gap can cause a change in facial construction and affect your appearance. As such, you may want to avoid these consequences. In such cases, dentists advise you to replace a missing tooth as soon as possible after its loss.
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Replacing Your Missing Tooth With Dental Implants

Posted on: 18 November 2022
Addressing tooth loss can be a major goal for anyone that has been unfortunate enough to experience it. For a patient that is reviewing their options for replacing a tooth, dental implants are a solution that can offer effective results. Dental Implants Provide Oral Health Benefits In Addition To Cosmetic Improvements A person may be primarily concerned with the cosmetic issues that their missing tooth may create. A dental implant can be among the best cosmetic solutions for replacing a missing tooth because it blends seamlessly with the gum line.
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Teeth Whitening After-Care Tips

Posted on: 17 October 2022
If you have discolored or stained teeth, teeth whitening is the most appropriate remedy for your condition. Many people are misled to think that teeth whitening is a permanent procedure. While this treatment will make your teeth pearly white, the effects of the procedure will last as long as you follow your dentist's instructions. Here are some recommended teeth whitening after-care tips. Replace Staining Foods with a White Diet  One of the most recommended practices for maintaining white teeth after a whitening procedure is to avoid staining foods.
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