If You Wear A Removable Grill, Take Measures To Protect Your Teeth

Posted on: 21 January 2016
Do you wear a metal dental grill to show off your style? These fashion accessories may look cool, but they do present a few risks to your dental health if you're not careful to protect your teeth. To make sure you don't end up with cavities, mouth sores, gum disease, and other issues due to your grill, follow these tips. Don't glue the grill in place. Some grill wearers have tried to make their removable grills more permanent by gluing them in place.
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3 Ways A Tooth Can Be Rebuilt Following Root Canal Therapy

Posted on: 21 January 2016
Root canal therapy, or RCT, is used when a tooth's dental pulp has become inflamed, infected, and/or damaged. The compromised pulp can end up eroding the tooth's dentin from the inside out and can cause nerve pain. The RCT procedure involves opening the tooth, scraping out the pulp, and then sealing the canal shut. But your tooth also needs to be shut or rebuilt again after the procedure. There are different methods of rebuilding a tooth following RCT that mostly depend on the severity of the damage.
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3 Potential Complications With A Horizontal Impacted Wisdom Tooth

Posted on: 21 January 2016
Wisdom teeth are technically the third or rearmost molars in your mouth. The late development of these molars comes after the first and second molars are already in place so the wisdom tooth has a narrow growth area. A wisdom tooth can start to erupt while pointed in the wrong direction, which leads to a condition called an impacted wisdom tooth. The type of impaction refers to what direction the tooth is headed.
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How To Protect Your Teeth From Cavities

Posted on: 21 January 2016
Getting a cavity can be a real hassle, since they can cause a great deal of discomfort and cost you a bit of money. Therefore, you are probably interested in ways to avoid getting cavities in the future. To help you out, here are some habits that you should consider incorporating into your daily routine: Vigilant Brushing and Flossing You probably already brush and floss at least once a day, but that isn't necessarily enough.
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