4 Fast Facts About Abscesses

Posted on: 1 April 2018
Most people know when they have a toothache. The pain can range from a slight discomfort in the tooth to severe pain that radiates through the entire mouth, jaw, and head. Unfortunately, toothaches can also be dangerous and life-threatening if there is an underlying infection. Proper understanding of an abscessed tooth will help you diagnose and treat an infection before it becomes dangerous. With this guide, you will learn a few important facts about an abscessed tooth.
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Sensitive Teeth? Treatment Options to Consider

Posted on: 7 March 2018
All people experience a bit of sensitivity in their teeth at one point in time. This sensitivity may make you cringe after eating cold ice cream or drinking a hot cup of tea, but constant sensitivity can be a sign of an underlying condition that should be addressed. Whether your enamel has eroded due to excessive whitening treatments or constant grinding of your teeth, restoration is possible. You don't have to live with the discomfort.
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2 Reasons To Ask You Dentist For Dental Implants

Posted on: 6 February 2018
Dental implants are a good resource that can resolve a large number of different oral health issues. Here are two reasons to speak to your dentist about dental implants. Dental Implants Can Resolve A Lot Of Denture Issues One the most common issues that dental implants can help you deal with are denture issues. In many cases, dentures can actually be extremely annoying and irritating for many people to wear due to the fact that they can often shift around and move quite often throughout the day.
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Cosmetic Dental Applications To Correct Multiple Cosmetic Dental Issues Simultaneously

Posted on: 11 December 2017
People with cosmetic dental problems may not know what to do to improve the look of their teeth, especially if the teeth display more than one issue.  Dental discoloration from dark-colored foods and beverages can be whitened by chemical bleaches. Crooked teeth can be aligned by braces or plastic aligning trays. However, in instances where the teeth suffer from multiple blemishes at once, a dental patient may not want to undergo multiple procedures to improve the look of the teeth.
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