Tired Of Your Weirdly Sized Teeth? Make A Change Now

Posted on: 14 December 2016

If you have teeth that are too small, oversized teeth that crowd other teeth in your mouth, or teeth that are crooked and misaligned, it is best to see a cosmetic dentist. The cosmetic dentist will do an evaluation of your mouth to see what the easiest way to fix your smile is and to see what oral health issues you may have going on. The two main options that may be considered to fix your smile are listed below.

Cover the Teeth

An easy way to fix the teeth that people see is to get veneers. The porcelain or ceramic veneers will bond over the misshapen teeth. Here are some benefits of veneers:

  • Fast and easy to put on
  • No surgery on existing teeth, just filing
  • Natural appearance
  • Affordable

These are just some of the benefits that people enjoy with veneers. The original teeth are filed down, and then the veneers are bonded on to be strong. These will have to be replaced eventually though, so veneers are not a permanent option for your smile.  

Replace Your Front Teeth

Dental implants are another option that can last your entire life if maintained as needed. Although these have to be fused into the jaw, and can be more costly, they can provide a lifetime of benefits, like these:

  • No cavities
  • Easy to floss
  • Scratch-resistant
  • Natural appearance
  • Natural feel

The original teeth in the mouth are pulled out, so you don't have to worry about them developing cavities. Also, the implants go into the gum tissue to prevent damage, and it's easy to floss in between the implants because they aren't bonded together. The implants shouldn't need to be replaced as long as you have them, so they could be a product that you only have to invest your money into once.

If your front teeth are the ones that you don't like to look at, you don't want to replace them with something that is shiny or metal, since this is what people will see when they look at you. There are a lot of different ways that you can fix your smile, but if you want to change the way your smile is and you don't want to keep the oddly sized teeth that you have, replacing the front teeth with implants or going over them with veneers are two great ways to make the change that you need.
